Monday, October 29, 2007

Morning Report

I haven't really been in the mood to write much the last couple weeks. I was really excited on jump starting this blog, but then I wasn't into it. I have recommitted myself this week. Its do or die. I need to get over DC news and happenings and start getting into Buffalo stuff. Im sure theres plenty to report......right?

-At the bus stop this morning some young guy (younger than me at least) said, "I bet we'll be the only white people on this bus". After he saw the disgusted look on my face he said, "I'm not racist or anything." Yeah. Whatever dude. I turned back up my Jay-Z and when we boarded the bus I noticed about half of its riders were white. Take THAT dude.

-The windows were all frosted over this morning. It is officially COLD. I am desperately in need of my various hats and scarves, but they're still in storage in VA. Luckily I'll be heading down there at the end of next week, but I don't know if thats soon enough! Brrr!

-I got to work and my computer clock is an hour behind. Stupid computers think daylight savings was this week when in fact, it is NEXT week. Got me all confused, I thought I had come into work an hour early. And I can't fix it cause I don't have administrator rights on this computer. Which leads to the question: why would you need administrator rights to change the time on a computer?!

I also have a bunch of Bflo pics on my phone that I need to post on here and I'll get to it eventually. One is a not so great shot of the huge moon I saw on Thursday or Friday morning of last week. I mean it was 7am! Very weird.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Crazy Lady Sighting

Up until now, Crazy Lady sightings have been restricted to Elmwood Village, but today she was spotted in front of Shea's Theater heading downtown hooting and hollering about who knows what. I wish she would talk a little slower so that I could understand what she's saying.

Crazy Lady is a woman who roams around Elmwood Village and most often can be found in or around the Wilson Farms on the corner of Elmwood and Auburn. Usually she keeps her ranting to a tolerable, comedic level, but sometimes goes a bit out of hand. She dissapeared for a couple months late this summer, whereabouts unknown, but I have just noticed her back around the area in the last few weeks. I missed her in her absence and hope for many more sightings and hopefully I can pick up some tid bits to share with you all.

This Crazy Lady is not to be confused with the other Crazy Lady I encountered on the train last week who seemed to be having a conversation with her other self on the benefits of moving to Washington, DC.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My home from 8am-5pm Mondays thru Fridays

I went from a fairly spacious office with a door at my last job to this:

Its not much, but its home. I guess I can't expect much when I have "TEMP" practically tattooed across my forehead.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Resisting temptation...

Do you all work in the type of office's where there is food left out for general consumption on a regular basis? Well, I'm temping at a place like that. Former Lucy (of two weeks ago), would have eaten just about anything if it was free. New and Improved Lucy, however, is holding back from taking one of those free, delicious, german chocolate brownies sitting on the counter in the kitchen.

I will not take the brownie. I will not eat the brownie. I will not return to the kitchen unless all brownies have been removed from plain sight.

Its hard to eat healthy in Buffalo.

Holy crap, its been six months!

So I've been living in Buffalo for just about six months now. Umm....where did the time go?! In fact, where did summer go? Wasn't it about 80 degrees a couple weeks ago? Oh, that was a month and a half ago....right. Time is flying by way too fast these days.

My intention with this blog is to log observations, news, happenings, etc in the Buffalo area, but more specifically in Elmwood Village cause I don't drive and the Elmwood strip is as familiar as I am with the Buffalo area. I thought it would be neat though, to keep a record as long as I'm living here and also something for me to do.

For my DC/NoVA friends (and where ever else you might reside), Elmwood Village is located on Buffalo's West Side running from downtown Buffalo up to the Buffalo State campus. So I can avoid sounding like a brochure, I'm just going to state that its a pretty cool place to live, and I'm sure I would enjoy it a lot more if I knew more people in the area. Maybe I should just get off my ass and start volunteering. Oh and Elmwood Village made the American Planning Association's list of Top US Neighborhoods.

More posting to come....!