Monday, October 29, 2007

Morning Report

I haven't really been in the mood to write much the last couple weeks. I was really excited on jump starting this blog, but then I wasn't into it. I have recommitted myself this week. Its do or die. I need to get over DC news and happenings and start getting into Buffalo stuff. Im sure theres plenty to report......right?

-At the bus stop this morning some young guy (younger than me at least) said, "I bet we'll be the only white people on this bus". After he saw the disgusted look on my face he said, "I'm not racist or anything." Yeah. Whatever dude. I turned back up my Jay-Z and when we boarded the bus I noticed about half of its riders were white. Take THAT dude.

-The windows were all frosted over this morning. It is officially COLD. I am desperately in need of my various hats and scarves, but they're still in storage in VA. Luckily I'll be heading down there at the end of next week, but I don't know if thats soon enough! Brrr!

-I got to work and my computer clock is an hour behind. Stupid computers think daylight savings was this week when in fact, it is NEXT week. Got me all confused, I thought I had come into work an hour early. And I can't fix it cause I don't have administrator rights on this computer. Which leads to the question: why would you need administrator rights to change the time on a computer?!

I also have a bunch of Bflo pics on my phone that I need to post on here and I'll get to it eventually. One is a not so great shot of the huge moon I saw on Thursday or Friday morning of last week. I mean it was 7am! Very weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good......