Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Girl is Back in Town

It occurs to me how often I've been thinking, I really should blog. And what's stopping me? Not much other than pure darn laziness and more recently, it's so HOT in the office where my computer is. Mostly it's laziness though. That and no one is missing it, but it makes me feel better so I need to keep up with it.

So in the neighborhood.........in my opinion it's been hotter than hell here. Temps have lingered in the high 80's which may not seem that bad to some, but pair that with barely a breeze and no A/C you've got yourself a doozy of a summer. I'm sweating bullets as we speak and I haven't even slept in my bedroom (which is in the back of the house which gets NO breeze) in about two weeks. I've taken to freezing bottles of water and a plastic baggied washcloth to try and defeat the heat.

As a plus I've been getting rides to work with my mother (which with whom I live) to work since we work in the same building and we missed the madness of the Motivational Speaker conference thing that was downtown at the arena. We pulled into the parking lot at about 7:30 and there was already a line for parking. Although we aren't monthly parkers, we have been driving in almost every day for the last couple months and the parking lot monitor (thats what I like to call him) let us through. What was that Motivational Speaker conference about anyways? Did I hear Colin Powell was there? What is he doing to motivate America? Really....I want to know.

The rest of the day was work.....getting home to write a bunch of "Eat Me" notes in my Grandmother's fridge (the good kind of Eat Me...like....I'm delicious!), la di da-ing, and then going for a walk up Bidwell and left on Elmwood. I was looking for a breeze in my late night walk, but I didn't find it. I did find a young man asking everyone woman who walked by if she would have sex with him. My rather (I thought) polite response was "I don't even know you", but on the walk back down the same block after getting smokes at the 24 Hour Store (which still isn't carrying the 24 Hour Store T Shirt) heard the same gentleman telling another female walking ahead of me that she had given the best response of the evening (granted I didn't hear what that was). Any who, I bummed the horny male and his lady friend (I hope not his GF) smokes and inquired about the experiment. Was told, "why not cut out all the BS....would you like to come up to my room?", to which I politely (I thought) declined, snickered and went on my way. The dude had long hair and I'm not into that look anyways.

I'm contemplating all kinds of things I'd rather not share yet, but I'm pretty satisfied with. Wishing for an Air Conditioner for my room.....someone to clean my room, money, money, money, and the will to wake up without an alarm clock in cheery spirits.

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